Low rates to reach your local target audience!
In addition to your free listing in this directory, market your products and services at a low cost on this website. Starting at just $45 for 3 months!
Our Traffic Statistics
Message from Webmaster Ray:
As a business owner, website designer, and internet marketer specializing in search engine optimization (SEO), I’ve built this website to be useful for visitors, and advertisers. Even individual business profile pages can rank highly on Google, Bing and Yahoo!
I’m happy to share my traffic statistics with you. Over 400 unique visitors per month in 2016.
Log in at StatCounter.com with username: wilmde and password: delaware. Click the “Wilmington Delaware Directory” link and then “Recent Keyword Activity” in the left column to see terms that visitors have recently typed into Google & Yahoo to find this site.
Reach out to Delaware Valley residents! Send me a copy of your proposed banner or text ad. Call (8am-5pm) or email with any questions at all!
Ray Christensen 302-633-1482 (Delaware)
Attraction Website Design – web design, hosting, site maintenance
Pike Creek Valley Running Club – Former President
Ad Rates
Online promotion
Internet marketing
Social networking
Banner Ad Rates
120 x 60 Footer Banner
actual size
* bottom of every page *
$45 for 3 mos.
$80 for 6 mos.
$140 for 12 mos.
180 x 90 Side Banner
actual size
* sidebar of every page *
$60 for 3 mox.
$100 for 6 mos.
$160 for 12 mos.
Top slider banner
* Large size for image + text *
* On every search page *
* Alternates w/ 2 others *
$90 for 3 mos.
$150 for 6 mos.
$250 for 12 mos.
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Some links may be affiliate links. We may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.