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M&M Automotive, LLC
Contact: Matt O’ConnorBusiness Description
Matt O’Connor and Matt Conly have 65 years experience of auto service combined. They started working together on side work projects in the 1980’s and eventually grew their business into M&M Automotive LLC. In January of 2016, they officially opened shop and began working full-time as owner/operators of the business. They are hands on with all of the projects that come through M&M Automotive.
AT M&M Automotive, we provide maintenance, transmission, brakes, tires and fleet services. We also customized jeeps and trucks for off-road driving and service muscle cars. We are ASC certified and have GM, Buick, Chevrolet, Pontiac, Hummer, Saturn and Cadillac certifications. We are familiar with all types of vehicles, including those not listed and are qualified to work on those, as well.
We pride ourselves on doing honest work and providing honest feedback to our customers. We will let you know what needs to be done to your vehicle to keep it in great working condition and let you know recommended services that might not be urgent to take care of. Like our motto says, “We only fix the things that need fixing!” So no need to worry about breaking the bank every time you walk into our shop.
800 Frenchtown Rd New Castle DE 19720
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