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Be Well Life Coaching LLC
Contact: Liz BrownBusiness Description
I am a Professional Certified Life Coach(PCC) through the International Coaching Federation. I am also certified in Wellness and ADHD Coaching. My mission is to help my clients identify and make changes in their life that will allow them to change goals or dreams into action. The client is always in the driver’s seat and my role is to help them create awareness, overcome obstacles and take action!
I offer coaching in person or via telephone or Skype and run workshops in my office or at your location. I am also a speaker and enjoy sharing my knowledge in many areas of personal development including how to improve wellbeing and make change. My initial session is complimentary so that potential clients can experience coaching and see how it will work for them.
5716 Kennett Pike Wilmington DE 19807
5716 Kennett Pike Centerville DE 19807
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