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Bellevue Contractors LLC
Contact: Mike HickenBusiness Description
Bellevue Contractors, LLC is a general contracting company that was founded in 2006, under Bellevue Companies, founded over seven decades ago. We have built a broad base of experience and expertise in the construction industry. With a remarkable record of achievement, we have earned our most precious asset, a reputation for construction performance of the highest quality, delivered quickly, efficiently and economically. From initial concept to finished project, Bellevue Contractors, LLC is fully staffed and prepared to respond to your needs with competence and precision. When we serve as general contractor, our input during the planning phase helps keep your project on budget and our fast-track scheduling insures the quickest possible project completion.
We are highly skilled in coordinating teams of experts to complete projects of any size or scope. Our active, steady participation in local construction markets positions us to spot labor, material and building trends early. This allows us to offer timely and cost effective engineering suggestions and to prepare accurate cost estimates and schedules. We work hard to insure that only superior materials and craftsmanship are built into Bellevue Contractors construction projects.
909 Delaware Ave Wilmington DE 19806
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